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Isolation during the Pandemic Lockdown / Virtual Group exhibition / Rav Tchumi, Modi'in, curated by Nitza Perry
Trissim, shutters closing down and opening up and inbetween, the light. A white ink drawing on tracing paper, a white image, dust particles floating reflecting light like mirrors, through the blinds.
- A a girl, her hair blown by the wind. The girl seems vulnerable and fragile, afraid of the unknown, afraid of loneliness. My own reflection on the glass brings another character to the scene. The spotlight becomes a window of hope within the isolation of these Pandemic times. For the artist, the studio is a haven… a retreat.
- A family taking their new/old VW beetle car for the first ride. Happiness might be those small simple moment where the family with creativity creates. Families have never spent so much time together.
- A birthday party without guests. Still a heart shaped cake holds all her hopes together.
- A birthday party without guests. Turning five, after spending months dreaming of the celebration, costumes, games, crowns…at the end only a tiny affair without friends, without witnesses…
- A little girl hiding in between the sofa cushions. Playing, feeling safe, feeling cozy. Is this our sense of home during the Pandemic?

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