White Tablecloth Map
Art Performance/Installation
White cotton paper, treated photos from my Viennese family’s photo album from the beginning of the 20th century printed pigment on archive paper, acrylic, pencil, Japanese brushes, Porcelain tea set from the Austrian family, table
The Salon at Agripas Street, Agripas 12 Gallery, Jerusalem
curators: Rina Peled & Max Epstein

Echoes of Vienna
Just reading or listening to the word “Vienna” and a sweetness shines inside my body. It swirls with music of a waltz, with the smell of goulash, an apple strudel, sweet apricot dumplings and the truest raspberry juice. Coffee with rum and whipped cream and the German language that lulls me once more. Vienna is my past, a city that is a prefix for me. Vienna, Wien the city of my grandparents Opi Freddy, Omi Trude, my aunt Lucy, and my papa Heinz, Heinzi who became Enrique. The city is like of Land of Oz. An enchanted place, far, far away in a cultural Europe.
I come from the South; South America, Uruguay, a Guarani name for a country meaning “the river of painted birds”. A country without ancient forests with wild berries growing, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, blackberries. Neither royal palaces, nor princesses, nor princes… without great important museums or famous cultural geniuses that eventually changed the world. A humble, sunny, safe, human dimensions Montevideo…Ah! but part of my roots shoot far, to the other side of the Atlantic, to the country of Sissi, of the magical photo family albums, of stories, memories and of the fluffy warm feather duvets. I grew up in a cloud of German, a language I have never learned, but it was part of my childhood soundtrack, a surrounding murmur, a background music while in my head I was in my own world, daydreaming. I was always present in two worlds, the material and the one of my imagination. A perfect training ground for an artist, while stirring the teaspoon in my glass of tea with its silver holder, eating a Austrian pastry, or sourdough bread.
Vienna, a city of my ancestors, a land of movies, literature, art, theatre, music, and operettas. With a before, and then an after. Because in Vienna everything was lost, the Nazis came, they destroyed ... they murdered ... but my family escaped… in time ... they escaped arriving in Uruguay …they did not forget Vienna. The Vienna that was carried in their hearts, that of laughter and family. That of a cultured Jewish presence. The one of the Prater, of the bandstand concerts in the parks! The one of the theaters, the cafes, the wine gardens, the avenues, the universities, the elegance, the magazines, the books, the clip clop of horses and of children playing in the snow ... love stories, merriment, the sound of shuffling cards, and everything in a cadence of Viennese German which they say is sweeter and more cheerful than others ...
The world stopped in Vienna…continued in Montevideo, loaded with Austrian memories. Sad for a Paradise lost … a relief for being alive.
Alejandra Okret, 2020
Viena y las frutillas
Papa que recogia
Frutillas silvestres
en los bosques de Austria
me regalo
una Viena
de cuentos de hadas
de nieve
de cultura
de familia
de memorias transportadas
en álbumes
de fotos de
gente que ya no esta
ya papa,
y Lucy
y Opi
y Omi
ya ellos tampoco están
la Viena...
de sus cuentos
sigue conmigo.
Entre fresa
y fresa,
una cereza
y una
Alejandra Okret, 2020
Vienna & the Strawberries
Papa picking
wild strawberries
in the forests of Austria
gave me
a Vienna of fairies
with snow,
and family laughter
Made of memories
in photo albums
with people who were
no more
also dad
is not
neither Lucy,
nor Opi
nor Omi
but the
of their stories
each berry
and berry,
a strawberry,
a cherry
or a simple
Alejandra Okret, 2020
אבא שקוטף
תותי בר
ביערות אוסטריה
נתן לי
את ווינה מהאגדות
של שלג,
של תרבות...
של צחוק
של משפחות גדולות
מסע זיכרונות
באלבומי תמונות
של אנשים שאינם
גם הם כבר
לא ...
הווינה של סיפוריהם
בין תות
פֶּטֶל פשוט
אלחנדרה אוקרט, 2020